Editor : THE INTERNATIONAL PALM SOCIETY 6 Metadatas Nomenclatural note - correcting errors in Palms of Madagascar. 2006/12. Authors : Beentje, Henk. Dransfield, John. Govaerts, Rafael. Nomenclatural note - correcting errors in Palms of Madagascar. 2006/12. Authors : Beentje, Henk. Dransfield, John. Govaerts, Rafael. Nomenclatural note - correcting errors in Palms of Madagascar. 2006/12. Authors : Beentje, Henk. Dransfield, John. Govaerts, Rafael. Nomenclatural note - correcting errors in Palms of Madagascar. 2006/12/00. Authors : Beentje, Henk. Dransfield, John. Govaerts, Rafael. Observations on two dwarf Dypsis species in Betampona, eastern Madagascar. Serial title : Palms. 2002/08/30. Author : BRITT, Adam. Two palms with surprising qualities. 2006/12/00. Author : Dupuyoo, Jean-Michel.