Editor : PARC ZOOLOGIQUE ET BOTANIQUE TSIMBAZAZA 266 Metadatas A catalogue of the lymantriidae of Madagascar (Lepidoptera). 1955. Author : Collenette, C.L. A new genus and species of odonata from Madagascar. 1960. Author : Fraser, F.C. A new species of ortheziola sulc. from Madagascar (Hemiptera, coccoidea). 1955. Author : Mamet, Raymond. A note on the classification of the genus tatocnemis kirby, with a key to the species and the description of a new species. 1960. Author : Fraser, F.C. A propos de Gascardia madagascariensis targ. tozz. ou lokombitsika [cochenille]. 1955. Author : Paulian, R. A propos des glandes de l'onglon des potamochères. 1950. Author : DOUCET, J. A revision of the Madagascar neuroptera with a key to their identifications and descriptions of new species. 1951. Authors : Fraser, F.C. Retd, I.M.S. Additions à la faune des odonates de Madagascar. 1955. Author : Fraser, F.C. Additions à la faune des stéphanides malgaches (Hymenoptera). 1957. Author : Benoit, P.L.G. Anadiaptomus Madagascariensis rylov [copepode diaptomide]. 1952. Author : Brehm, V.