Composition and characteristics of bird communities in Madagascar
Title | Composition and characteristics of bird communities in Madagascar |
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Year of publication | |
Holder of the document | |
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Content |
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Summary | étude de la composition taxinomique et géographique de l'avifaune forestière résidentielle à Madagascar, identification du degré d'endémicité régionale de chaque espèce et analyse de leur vulnérabilité à la perturbation forestière, recommandations |
Proposal for a follow-up | Au besoin. |
Operation | |
Number of the conference | |
Number of convention | |
Note | |
Name of the conference | |
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Financor | |
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Date of the conference | |
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Instanciation |
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Electronical document URL | |
Electronical document | collaboration avec les auteurs. |
Pagination | [n.p.]. |
Number of edition | 01. |
Serial Number | |
Date of publication | 1996/01/01. |
Cote | REC- 065. |
I.S.S.N. | |
I.S.B.N. | |
Intellectual property |
Place of publication | |
Editor | |
Collectivity author | |
Original author |