Compensation and reconciliation of interests in the field of buffer zone management - Cas studies in Asia and Africa, Vol. II.
Title | Compensation and reconciliation of interests in the field of buffer zone management - Cas studies in Asia and Africa, Vol. II. |
Text language | |
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Classification | Développement durable. |
Book | |
Year of publication | |
Holder of the document | |
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Content |
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Summary | Ce document sur la compensation et la réconciliation des intérêts au niveau de la gestion des zones tampons ou zones périphériques, présente les différentes approches de gestion de quelques aires protégées ainsi que les mesures prises pour le developpement de leurs zones périphériques, respectivement dans 2 pays Asiatiques et 5 pays d'Afrique : Népal, Thailand, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Madagascar et Zaire. |
Proposal for a follow-up | |
Operation | |
Number of the conference | |
Number of convention | |
Note | |
Name of the conference | |
Project amount | |
Place of conference | |
Financor | |
Carrier | |
Date of the conference | |
Collation | Cartes | Encadrés | tabl. | fig. |
Recipient | |
Instanciation |
Volume | |
Electronical document URL | |
Electronical document | |
Pagination | 147 p. |
Number of edition | |
Serial Number | |
Date of publication | 1993. |
Cote | 15 284 KAR. | 1399. |
I.S.S.N. | |
I.S.B.N. | |
Intellectual property |
Place of publication | |
Editors | |
Collectivity author | |
Original author |