Amphibiens menacés de Madagascar.
Title | Amphibiens menacés de Madagascar. |
Text language | |
Matter descriptor | |
Geographical descriptor | |
Classification | SCIENCE ANIMALE. |
Book | |
Year of publication | 2008. |
Holder of the document | |
Copyright | |
Authors | |
Content |
Original title | |
Serial title | |
Summary | Ce livret abondamment illustré donne un aperçu de la diversité des grenouilles de Madagascar et rappelle les menaces qui pèsent sur ces animaux. Les mesures prises pour leur conservation sont signalées. |
Proposal for a follow-up | |
Operation | |
Number of the conference | |
Number of convention | |
Note | |
Name of the conference | |
Project amount | |
Place of conference | |
Financor | |
Carrier | |
Date of the conference | |
Collation | nb. photos |
Recipient | |
Instanciation |
Volume | |
Electronical document URL | |
Electronical document | |
Pagination | 31 p. |
Number of edition | 2. |
Serial Number | |
Date of publication | 2008/02/29. |
Cote | Mad2100. | Mad2101. |
I.S.S.N. | |
I.S.B.N. | |
Intellectual property |
Place of publication | |
Editor | |
Collectivity author | |
Original author |